In today’s digital age, where cybersecurity threats are constantly looming, it is crucial to have strong and secure passwords to protect your personal information. Unfortunately, many people still rely on weak and easily guessable passwords that make them vulnerable to hackers.
In this article, we will delve into the world of password security and explore some alarming lists of the worst and most commonly used passwords or you can say most popular passwords. We will analyze these findings from reputable sources such as SplashData, the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), and Keeper. We’ll also provide you with expert advice on how to create robust passwords that can safeguard your online accounts effectively.
SplashData’s 100 Worst Passwords of 2023
In the world of cybersecurity, one thing remains constant: people’s love for easy-to-remember and predictable passwords. SplashData recently released its annual list of the 100 worst passwords used in 2023, and let’s just say it’s not surprising.
Topping the list is “123456,” a password that has held the number one spot for years. It seems some users are still believing that simplicity equals security. Following closely behind are equally weak choices like “password” and “qwerty.” These common and easily guessable passwords leave users vulnerable to hacking attempts. These are most used passwords.
Analyzing this year’s list, it becomes evident that many individuals continue to use their personal information as passwords. For example, names such as “ashley,” “michael,” and even “superman” made an appearance on the list. It’s important to remember that hackers can easily find personal details online or through social engineering tactics.
It’s disheartening to see how little progress we’ve made when it comes to creating strong passwords. In today’s digital age, where cyber threats are rampant, it is imperative that we prioritize our online security by using unique combinations of letters, numbers, and symbols.
Analyzing SplashData’s Worst Passwords
Now that we’ve taken a look at the top 100 worst passwords of 2023 according to SplashData, let’s dive deeper into what makes these passwords so weak and vulnerable. It’s no surprise that “123456” and “password” continue to hold the top spots on the list of the most used passwords. These are incredibly common and easily guessable choices.
But it doesn’t stop there. Many people still rely on simple variations like “123456789” or “qwertyuiop” for their password needs. These may seem more complex due to their length, but hackers have grown wise to these patterns as well.
What’s concerning is the number of people who use personal information as their passwords. Names, birthdates, and even pet names make appearances on this list too frequently. While they may be easy for you to remember, they’re also easy for hackers to guess with a little bit of research.
Another mistake many users make is relying solely on numbers or keyboard patterns for their passwords such as “111111” or “1qaz2wsx”. This lack of variety puts your accounts at risk since these combinations can be easily cracked with automated tools.
It’s clear from analyzing SplashData’s worst passwords that many individuals still prioritize convenience over security when it comes to choosing their login credentials. This mindset needs to change if we want our online accounts protected from cybercriminals’ prying eyes.
The National Cyber Security Centre’s List of 2023 Worst Passwords
The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) recently released its list of the worst passwords used in 2023, and let me tell you, it’s a doozy. These passwords are so predictable and commonly used that they practically scream “hack me!” Let’s take a closer look at some of them.
First up, we have the classic “123456,” which claimed the top spot for yet another year. Seriously, people? How is this still a thing? It’s mind-boggling how many individuals continue to rely on such an easily guessable password.
Next on the list is the “password” itself. Yes, you read that right. People are actually using “password” as their password. These are the most used passwords. Talk about lackluster creativity! And don’t even get me started on variations like “passw0rd.” Hackers must be having a field day with these folks.
Coming in at number three is “qwerty.” Now, I understand that these keys form a straight line on your keyboard, but really? Are we back in elementary school playing around with our first computers?
The top 7 passwords are perennial favorites like “admin” and everyone’s beloved birth year. Come on, people! Can we please step up our password game?
Analyzing the NCSC 20 Worst Passwords
Let’s dive into the National Cyber Security Centre’s (NCSC) list of the 20 worst passwords of 2023. These are the passwords that you should absolutely avoid if you want to keep your online accounts secure.
At the top of their list is “12345678,” a password so commonly used that it hardly offers any protection at all. It’s mind-boggling how many people still rely on such a simple and easily guessable combination.
Next up, we have the “password” itself. Seriously? Using “password” as your password is like leaving your front door wide open for hackers to stroll right in.
And let’s not forget about “qwerty,” which is simply typing out the first six letters on your keyboard. It may be convenient, but it’s also incredibly weak from a security standpoint.
Other notable entries include variations of common words like “football,” “sunshine,” and even “admin.” These are all just asking for trouble and making it far too easy for hackers to gain unauthorized access to your accounts.
Keeper’s 25 Most Common Passwords of 2023
Keepers, a popular password manager, has released their list of the 25 most common passwords used in 2023. It’s no surprise that many people still choose convenience over security when it comes to password creation.
At the top of Keepers’ list is “123456,” followed closely by “password.” These basic and easily guessable passwords continue to dominate despite repeated warnings from cybersecurity experts. Other commonly used passwords include variations of numbers and letters like “qwerty” and “111111.”
It’s disheartening to see that so many individuals are not taking their online security seriously. With cyber threats on the rise, it’s crucial for everyone to prioritize strong and unique passwords.
Analyzing Keeper’s Worst Passwords
Now that we’ve taken a look at SplashData’s list of the worst passwords and the National Cyber Security Centre’s top offenders, it’s time to turn our attention to another renowned password manager, Keeper, and their compilation of the most common passwords of 2023.
Keeper has provided us with valuable insights into the mindsets of users who continue to rely on weak and easily guessable passcodes. Let’s dive in and see what we can learn from their data.
One trend that stands out immediately is the prevalence of numerical sequences as passwords. Many users seem to think that strings like “123456” or “987654321” offer sufficient protection for their accounts. Unfortunately, hackers are all too familiar with these patterns and exploit them regularly.
Another concerning habit observed among users is their reliance on simple keyboard patterns such as “qwerty” or “asdfghjkl.” These combinations may be easy to type but pose a significant security risk due to their predictability.
Interestingly, some individuals appear to believe they are being clever by using variations of popular words or phrases as passwords. However, hackers have sophisticated tools capable of running through countless permutations in seconds—rendering these attempts at creativity ineffective.
Common passwords list (Easy passwords list)
Here are the common passwords list that people use because these are easy to remember:
- password
- 111111
- 123456789
- Sunshine
- 12345678
- iloveyou
- princess
- qwerty
- admin
- football
- 666666
- 123123
- Monkey
- abc123
- charlie
- aa123456
- welcome
- password1
- donald
- qwerty123
This is the list of common passwords that people most use for their accounts and you should avoid these.
Best Password Practices
Avoid Dictionary Words and Other Common Passwords
Using dictionary words or common passwords is a big no-no when it comes to securing your accounts. Hackers are well aware of the most commonly used passwords, and they will try them first when attempting to breach your account. So, if your password is something like “password” or “123456,” you might as well be inviting hackers in with open arms!
Instead, opt for unique combinations of letters, numbers, and symbols that are not easily guessable. Avoid using personal information such as names or birthdates, as these can be easily found on social media profiles or through simple online searches.
One way to create a strong password is by using the acronyms of meaningful phrases or sentences. For example, instead of “I love my dog,” you could use “1LmD!” which combines uppercase letters, numbers, and symbols.
Another tip is to consider using a passphrase instead of a single word. Passphrases are longer strings made up of multiple words that are easy for you to remember but harder for others to crack. For instance: “PurpleElephantSunshineRainbow!”
Remember: the key here is complexity! Don’t underestimate the power of creating intricate and unique passwords that will keep cybercriminals guessing.
Use Long Passwords (Even If They are Simple)
When it comes to creating passwords, length is key. Many people think that using a complex combination of symbols, numbers, and uppercase and lowercase letters will make their password more secure. While this can help, it’s even more important to focus on the length of your password.
Why is length so important? Well, hackers use sophisticated algorithms that can crack shorter passwords in no time. By increasing the length of your password, you’re adding exponentially more possible combinations for these algorithms to sift through. This makes it much harder for them to guess or crack your password.
So how do you create a long yet simple password? One method is by using passphrases instead of single words or phrases. For example, instead of “password123,” you could use something like “iloveeatingpizzaonfridays.” It’s easy to remember but much harder for hackers to crack.
Another tip is to avoid using common dictionary words as part of your passphrase. Hackers often use lists of commonly used passwords when attempting to break into accounts. Instead, try combining unrelated words or adding random characters between them.
Remember: simplicity doesn’t have to mean vulnerability! So next time you’re faced with creating a new password, don’t be afraid to keep it simple yet lengthy. Your online security will thank you!
Ignore “Password Strength” Meters
When it comes to creating strong and secure passwords, many websites provide password strength meters to guide us. These meters analyze the complexity of our chosen passwords and give them a rating, usually in the form of a color-coded bar. While this feature may seem helpful, it’s important not to rely solely on these indicators.
Why should we ignore password strength meters? Well, for starters, they often have limitations. They tend to focus primarily on factors like length and character variety but don’t take into account other crucial aspects such as dictionary words or common phrases that hackers can easily guess.
Additionally, password strength meters can sometimes give false assurances. Just because a meter rates your password as “strong,” it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s immune to hacking attempts. Hackers are constantly evolving their methods and algorithms to crack even the most complex passwords.
Remember: Longer is stronger! Even if your password consists of simple words or phrases strung together with spaces instead of symbols – as long as it’s lengthy enough – it becomes significantly harder for hackers to crack.
Enable Two Factor Authentication
Two-factor authentication (2FA) has become increasingly popular as a way to protect online accounts from unauthorized access. By adding an extra layer of security, 2FA provides an additional step for users to verify their identity when logging in.
With 2FA enabled users are required to provide not only their password but also a second form of verification, such as a unique code sent to their mobile device or generated by an authentication app. This means that even if someone manages to obtain your password, they would still need the secondary verification method to gain access.
Enabling 2FA is a simple and effective way to enhance your account security. It ensures that even if your password falls into the wrong hands due to a data breach or phishing attack, hackers will still be unable to log in without the second factor of authentication.
Many popular online services now offer 2FA as an option, including social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, email providers like Gmail and Yahoo Mail, and financial institutions. Taking advantage of this feature can significantly reduce the risk of unauthorized access and help protect your personal information.
Monitor the Internet for Password Leaks
In today’s digital age, it’s more important than ever to stay vigilant when it comes to protecting our online accounts. One effective way to bolster your password security is by actively monitoring the internet for any potential password leaks.
Hackers are constantly trying to gain unauthorized access to sensitive information, including passwords. They often target databases and websites that store user credentials. When these breaches occur, passwords can end up exposed on the dark web or shared in hacker forums.
By regularly monitoring the internet for password leaks, you can stay one step ahead of cybercriminals. There are several tools and services available that can help with this task. These tools scan various websites and databases known for hosting leaked passwords and alert you if any of your passwords have been compromised.
Do not Reuse Passwords
In today’s digital age, where we have countless online accounts and platforms to manage, it can be tempting to reuse passwords for convenience. After all, remembering multiple complex passwords is no easy task. However, reusing passwords across different websites or applications poses a significant security risk.
Think about it – if a hacker manages to gain access to one of your accounts because of a weak password or a data breach on that platform, they could potentially use that same password to infiltrate your other accounts as well. This is why experts strongly advise against the practice of reusing passwords.
By using unique and strong passwords for each account, you create an additional layer of protection. Even if one account is compromised, your other accounts remain secure. It may seem like a hassle at first but consider the consequences of having all your personal information exposed due to password reuse.
Use a Password Manager
One of the best ways to ensure your passwords are strong and secure is by using a password manager. A password manager is a tool that helps generate, store, and autofill complex passwords for all your accounts. With so many different online accounts these days, it can be difficult to remember all the unique passwords you need.
A password manager takes away this burden by securely storing your passwords in an encrypted vault. All you have to do is remember one master password to access all your other passwords. This eliminates the need for weak or easily guessable passwords.
Not only does a password manager make it easier for you to manage multiple accounts, but it also enhances security by generating long and random passwords that are nearly impossible for hackers to crack. Plus, most password managers have features like two-factor authentication and automatic syncing across devices.
Using a password manager gives you peace of mind knowing that your online accounts are protected with strong and unique passwords without having to rely on memory alone. It’s an essential tool in today’s digital landscape where cyber threats continue to evolve and become more sophisticated.
What are the good words for passwords?
Good passwords should be strong and unique to enhance security. Good words for passwords are basically symbols in words like _%*$#@?+). For example: Don@ld_u$.
What are the most common admin passwords?
Most common admin passwords are Admin, 1122, 123123, 12345678, 0123321, etc.
What are the top 7 passwords that are mostly used?
Top 7 passwords include Birthdate, Own name, BF or GF name, Month name, Contact number and ID card number.
What are the most common passcodes?
The most common passcodes are 1122, any emergency number like 911, or the last digits of a mobile number, ID card number, or any game name.
What are the 3 most common passwords?
The 3 most common passwords are Qwerty, 12345678, iloveyou.
What are the common passwords hackers use?
The most common passwords hackers use are password, 123456, qwerty, admin, letmein, welcome, 1234, password123, abc123, and 12345.